Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics supports Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in its policies, programming, and practice. We work to identify and eliminate structural racism and other systemic barriers that hinder our students, faculty, and 来自成功的员工. In particular, we strive for a department that is:

多样化的. We seek to recruit and support persons underrepresented in mathematics and statistics, and do not allow discrimination based upon characteristics such as race, gender identity, age, nationality, immigration status, sexual orientation, religion, disability status, 社会经济地位.
公平的. We aim to make resources available to persons based on their unique needs in order to promote the success of all members of our departmental community.
包容. We actively foster a sense of belonging that welcomes, respects, and supports the differences and unique cultures, identities, and beliefs held by our students, faculty, 和工作人员.



If you have an issue or concern related to DEI and our department, you are encouraged to report or discuss the issue or concern with either our department chair, Madhuri Mulekar (mmulekar@litpliant.net), or any member of the departmental DEI Committee:

Steven Clontz (sclontz@litpliant.net)